Make a Beautiful First Impression


Contrary to what many people assume, the appearance of your smile isn’t all that’s affected when you lose one or multiple teeth. In actuality, tooth loss can have a significant impact on your overall oral health—and even your entire facial aesthetic. To be a bit more specific, each of the following issues can occur when missing teeth go unreplaced: Shifting ...
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Medically referred to as halitosis, bad breath is an issue that impacts millions of Americans on a daily basis. This undesirable condition is most notably caused by specific foods we eat, as well as a failure to brush, floss, and rinse regularly to remove food particles that get trapped between the teeth and around the gums. That said, there are ...
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Most people are aware that neglecting to brush and floss on a regular basis can lead to a number of oral complications, one of which is periodontal (gum) disease. What many individuals don’t know, however, is that the development of periodontal disease may not simply be an issue that solely affects one’s oral health. In fact, several studies have shown ...
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The answer to this question will depend on a number of different factors, the most important of which is the teeth whitening method you use to brighten the shade of your smile. At our practice, Dr. Colin Morton and our team offer patients professional-grade, customized whitening trays that can be worn during the day or at night in the comfort ...
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Trying to decide between an over-the-counter teeth whitening treatment as opposed to one offered by a dental care professional? While both choices have proved to diminish stains and whiten teeth for many individuals, there are a few key distinctions between store-bought and professional teeth bleaching techniques that may help clear the air on what’s best for you. According to Dr. ...
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