Wondering if dental implants may be the right tooth replacement solution for you? Our practice offers free educational seminars to help prospective patients sift through the vast quantity of information (and misinformation) surrounding this popular restoration option. Our goal is to help you discover the real truth about dental implants in an open, no-pressure environment, ultimately enabling you to make the most informed decision about your dental care needs.
Free to anyone interested in attending, these dental implant seminars cover a wide span of topics, including:
- What dental implants actually are
- Who is considered a good candidate for dental implants
- A basic overview of the dental implant process (benefits, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes)
- Common solutions for missing teeth (replacing a single tooth, several teeth, or all teeth)
In addition to these subjects, each seminar is concluded with a Q&A session during which Dr. Colin Morton and our team will address any questions and/or concerns you may still have about dental implants.
Beginning in January, these informative meetings are held at 6:00 PM on a specific Thursday of every month (excluding March and December). Seating is limited, so be sure to register as early as possible to reserve a spot for your date of choice.
To sign up, simply contact our practice online or by phone today. We hope to see you there!
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